One of the questions asked by most travelers is how to pack for a vacation in Japan. Therefore, we’ve arranged a really simple list of the best tips on how to pack for a vacation in Japan. It comes from recent experience, as a few of us from my home state of Arizona went on a trip together to celebrate the 5 year anniversary of our Chandler tow truck business. These tips range from the obvious ones for experienced travelers to the most surprising ones.
Bring a pair of slip-on shoes.
Bring shoes that are really easy to slip on and off unless you love untying and lacing your shoes every minute, shoes that can slip on and off your feet easily are recommended. Most places in Japan like the ryokans (traditional inns), temples, restaurants and many izakayas require you to take your shoes off before entering. As a rule of thumb, when you see mats, you need to take your shoes off. In Japan, it is considered a little impolite to be barefoot as well, so you might want to bring one or two pairs of socks.
Depending on your travel plan, it is considered wise to bring walking shoes, comfortable ones of course. Tokyo is surprisingly a walkable city, and to enjoy some places such as Kyoto; there’s no better way to explore it than doing so on foot.
Pack as light as possible.
Packing lightly is really important if you are planning a trip to any country. Imagine having to navigate through the city with a heavy backpack, not fun yeah? For your own comfort, try to get a portable bag or suitcase.
Most of the travelers in Japan rely so much on Japan’s railway networks, and guess what? They don’t cater to travelers with so many luggages. You might be wondering- what exactly is a lot of luggage? Anything more than a backpack or duffel and a small suitcase (the airplane carry-on size) is considered to be a lot.
What to Wear
There is no need to go shopping for new clothes for your vacation in Japan. It’s better just to leave some space in your bag or suitcase so you can go shopping in Japan, the country where you’ll find some of the best-quality and most unique fashions in the world.
It is undeniable that the fashion standards in Japan are quite high, but that doesn’t mean you always have to dress up too. If you are more comfortable dressing casually, you’ll be totally okay in all situations; though you’ll have to dress accordingly if there’s a party, dinner or some special occasion.
Asides from your clothes, shoes and so on, there are some other miscellaneous items you’ll need during your vacation. They include:
- Pocket Wi-Fi device. If this doesn’t sound exactly essential to you, it is still recommended to rent one. Wi-Fi in Japan isn’t as widespread as most people always think it will be.
- Travel adapter
- Sleep mask and rosewater mist for a relaxing flight
- Handkerchiefs and hand sanitizer
- Little gifts from home. You can give these to your travel guides and other locals. Gifts are more appreciated in Japan than tips.